Installing the Hardware

Tip: The colored slots take precedence

Whenever you see a colored slot, either gray or blue, in a Motherboard, it means the Manufacturer is trying to draw your attention to it.
The colored slot is the primary slot.
When adding components like RAM modules or Video Cards, you should first populate the slot that is colored.
If you have 8 Memory Slots, and 4 of them are colored gray, it means you should fill up these gray slots first.
There are 4 gray Memory Slots marked:
DIMM_A1       (Gray)
DIMM_B1        (Gray)
DIMM_D1       (Gray)
DIMM_C1        (Gray)
You should install the 4 RAM modules into these 4 gray Memory Slots.
You will have a total of 32GB of installed RAM.
If there is need for more memory, you should buy an identical 32GB Memory Kit with the exact same specs and fill up the remaining 4 black Memory Slots.
DIMM_A2       (Black)
DIMM_B2        (Black)
DIMM_D2       (Black)
DIMM_C2        (Black)
This will give you a total of 64GB of installed RAM.
Note: You need to have at least 4 RAM modules to take advantage of the Quad Channel Memory Architecture.
Place the Motherboard on top of the box.
This will provide adequate support and prevent the Motherboard from bending when you attempt to push down the RAM modules into the slots.
Start by installing the 1st RAM module into slot DIMM_A1
First, release the TAB on the right of this slot.
Match the position of the notch, and insert the RAM Module.
Push down firmly on the Left side.
Next, push down firmly on the Right side.
The RAM module will click into place, and the TAB will close automatically.
Next, install the 2nd RAM module into slot DIMM_B1
Next, install the 3rd RAM module into slot DIMM_D1
Finally, install the 4th RAM module into slot DIMM_C1
With all 4 RAM modules in place, you have a total of 4x8GB = 32GB of installed memory.
This is adequate for most 3D GIS projects.
Note: For very large 3D GIS projects, you can speed up rendering time by filling the remaining 4 Memory Slots with an identical 32GB Memory Kit, for a total of 64GB of installed memory.