Add a Query Widget

Add a Query Widget inside the Widget Container
New Query
Select Data
Expand Adopt a Road 2
Select Available for Adoption
Change the Name of the Query Widget to:
Select an Available Road
SQL Expression Builder
Add Clause
Route_desc is Unique
More Input Settings
Ask for Values
Label = Road Name is
Hint = 107th Ave
List values based on All Unique Values of this field
Add Label = Make a Selection
Description = Pick an Available Road from the drop-down list.
View Published Item
Hover over the Query Widget to see the Widget Name
Hover over the “i” icon
This displays the Widget Description
Expand the drop-down list
Select 107th Ave
Open the Actions Menu
Zoom To
Map Zooms To 107th Ave
Show on Map
The selected feature is highlighted in yellow.
Expand the Arrow
This opens the Popup Window for the selected feature
Go Back
Select Road Name is 12th St
Notice, there are 2 results.
Zoom To
Show on Map
There are 2 results for 12th St