Experience Builder UI
User guide
  • Overview


Have you ever wished there was a simple way to draw a polygon on the map and instantly access all the data layers it intersected, display a tree view of the list of layers and their symbols, view their attributes and related tables and even define custom filters?
What if you could go a step further and edit these attributes in batch mode, including their related tables, display the results in a table and export to a CSV file and set up custom bookmarks for each of your filters and selections?
The Experience Builder UI Widget makes this all a reality through a simple, compact and intuitive User Interface.
This single widget has been designed to be the centerpiece of all your Experience Builder Applications.
The EXBUI widget replaces these 7 standard Experience Builder widgets and adds additional functionality:
To get a hands-on demo of the power of the EXBUI widget and explore the features, please take this guided tour.